The Wooden Swing – A Favorite La Posada Relaxing Space


The Wooden Swing – A Favorite La Posada Relaxing Space

One of La Posada’s favorite spaces for relaxation is the wooden bench swing. It is well situated in front of Casa Carolina, the women’s residence, under a large tree providing an abundance of shade all day. Those sitting on the bench swing find it relaxing and enjoy a perfect view of the shelter grounds. The

La Posada Providencia Welcomes Casa de Paz SLV

This past week at La Posada, we welcomed Casa de Paz SLV, a non-profit organization based out of Crestone, Colorado, dedicated to providing holistic trauma support for asylum seekers and migrants. They also have a local team in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) that coordinates programs via their RGV Board co-chair, a University of Texas

Earth Day: Restore our Earth

This past week at La Posada, we celebrated Earth Day with the theme, “Restore our Earth.”  Client Mentor, Sister Thérèse Cunningham, SHSp, commenced our celebration with a presentation on recycling and composting, two approaches we practice daily at the shelter. Sister then had us all think about personal ways we can commit to restoring the

Pastelitos Hondureños – A Honduran Food Treat

This past week at La Posada, we welcomed Yaha Aguilera and Barbara Ammirati from Save the Children, a humanitarian organization helping children in the US and around the World. Save the Children has been a generous and responsive partner to La Posada in our time of need.   After an informative shelter tour, La Posada

Celebrating Eastertide at La Posada

This past week at La Posada, we continued celebrating Easter, commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. New clients had recently joined us at the shelter, and we saw it fitting to continue the festivities. During our opening prayer before lunch, Client Mentor, Sister Thérèse Cunningham, SHSp, explained, “Easter is a 50-day celebration, called Eastertide, and

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made, We Will Rejoice And Be Glad

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matt. 18:20   For La Posada Client Mentor, Sister Thérèse Cunningham, SHSp, the Bible verse from Matthew’s Gospel had special meaning on Easter Sunday. Few staff and clients were around to gather for a celebration. Some clients had moved on the

More than a Shelter; La Posada is a Home

Here at La Posada, our shelter is a home, and we have the humbling privilege of living life with our clients. In our shelter, we love to learn about clients’ cultural traditions and beliefs. We have celebrated birthdays, weddings and enjoy small holidays like International Waffle Day. We have seen baby clients grow into toddlers

La Posada Providencia Forges Ahead Amidst the Migrant Influx

Upon a client’s arrival at La Posada Providencia, Case Manager Jorge Camarillo gathers information detailing their needs and, from that, creates an individualized plan with goals and objectives. The client’s needs can vary significantly from one person to another. Some clients may already have sponsors in place and are simply awaiting travel accommodations (i.e., bus

La Posada Remains Committed to Safety Amid Influx of Clients

Over the past few weeks, La Posada has received an influx of clients seeking asylum, many of whom have waited extended periods at tent cities along the Texas border in Mexico. La Posada is responding to the influx by continuing to practice the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended safety protocols to combat COVID-19. CDC

Recipes from Around the World: South Asia

In the past 31 years, La Posada has served over 11,000 guests from 90 countries around the world. Each guest brings their own unique talents, interests, and cultural backgrounds. An advantage of working with our guests includes learning about other cultural practices and social norms. This week, we share with you a favorite recipe from