Our Impact


The 2022-2023 service year for La Posada has provided 1061 individuals seeking refuge. Of these, 1008 adults and 53 children come from 25 different countries and 53% of those being young adults aged from 19-24.


Of the men, women, and children, 1047 of them were short-term stays of less than 30 days. Short-term residents receive quick case management where they are provided resources to prepare them for travel and education on the risks many migrants face such as exploitation


Our long-term residents, which come to a total of 14 for the year, are staying 30 days or more and receive intense case management, including set action goals, extended education, legal assistance, medical/dental and mental health aid if needed, financial planning, and job readiness.

Case Management and Long-term Thinking

This intense case management is to aid our residents, whether long-term or short-term, with the much-needed resources, education, and case management. This has allowed us the ability to see a good number of our residents move into permanent housing, obtain work visas, graduate high school, attend college, and much more. As we continue to prepare for an influx, our staff maintains our resources to best suit the needs of our residents, whether current or future. We are sincerely appreciative of your support.

La Posada Providencia provides essential services for the community to shelter and support the long-term stays for immigrants and asylum seekers as they proceed on their resettlement journey. We are the only shelter with this capability for the population we serve in the Lower Rio Grande Valley

Our Impact

For short-term clients

100% of clients are enrolled in ESL classes.

80% of clients advanced their conversational English skills.

80% of clients were successful in achieving self-sufficiency.

90% of clients learned about US currency.

For long-term clients

80% of clients acquired basic knowledge of US geography and social and economic skills.

Life-skill classes were implemented such as:

  • Smart shopping
  • How to budget for bills
  • Paying rent
  • Quality vs quantity


2019-2020 Highlights

We provided shelter and care for …

Adults – 1008

Young Adults – 563

Children – 53

Families – 43

Support Services

16,977 meals were served

918 miles were driven

60 medical appointments attended

Over 1,300 hours of ESL/Life-Skills taught

Countries of Origin:

Nicaragua – 245

Guatemala – 215

Honduras – 166

Cuba – 114

Venezuela – 97

Colombia – 55

El Salvador – 44

Ecuador – 25

Mexico – 25

Peru – 21

Dominican Republic – 19

Haiti – 13

USA – 9

Brazil – 2

Afghanistan – 1

Beirut – 1

Bolivia – 1

Cameroon – 1

China – 1

India – 1

Nepal – 1

Panama – 1

Russia – 1

Somalia – 1

Yemen – 1

Total countries of origin: 25