"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matt. 18:20
For La Posada Client Mentor, Sister Thérèse Cunningham, SHSp, the Bible verse from Matthew's Gospel had special meaning on Easter Sunday. Few staff and clients were around to gather for a celebration. Some clients had moved on the day before; one was ill. A celebration was still to be had for those who could gather. The customary lovely decorations marked the occasion, as did the festive meal.
Sister Thérèse took the opportunity to express her appreciation to the clients who gathered with her. She expressed her heartfelt sentiment to them, "It is a privilege to serve you." She invited the clients to look around their table and reflect on the singular occasion they had before them. She said, "Look around this table; we will never have this opportunity again, to be together as one community breaking bread with one another, look at the various countries represented. This is a moment to celebrate." It was also what we call a La Posada moment.
While Easter Sunday is one day in the Christian calendar, Sister Thérèse reminds us that there are 50 days of Easter, beginning Easter Sunday. Hence, in the coming week, there will be a larger celebration with longer-term clients and staff. An Easter Egg hunt will be included should there be children at the shelter.
More La Posada Moments for Reflection
Recently, we had the privilege of assisting an 18-year old young man who volunteered a small amount of his time but left a large impression on many of us. Our location in San Benito, near many shelters for unaccompanied minors, facilitates referrals of young men and women who age out of foster care on their 18th birthday. This young man was at our shelter for a brief time – long enough to satisfy a volunteer request from our Site Coordinator, George de Santos. He asked the young man if he could paint some birdhouses. The young man readily accepted and proceeded to amaze all who viewed his work. Sister Thérèse had the opportunity to observe him and hear his impressions of La Posada. She said the young man seemed very grounded and spiritual as he looked around La Posada. He said to her, "it is so wonderful to be taken here." He commented on how well he was received. Later, Sister reflected on her short visit with him, "our clients are God's gift to us. How we encounter our clients and how we care for them, holding up their humanity is how we give back to God."
Program Highlights
Clients assisted from July 1, 2020 - March 26, 2021 (Fiscal Year):
Clients assisted from March 1, 2021- March 31, 2021
The following eleven (11) Countries of Origin represented in March:
El Salvador
*Previously, we have reported on long-term clients staying at the shelter that week. Currently, we are processing many short-term clients. We will report the number of clients served for the month and the total clients served from the start of the fiscal year.
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