Drive 4UR Community a success!

Harlingen Sunburst Rotary Club

Drive 4UR Community a success!

Drive 4UR Community a success! La Posada Providencia’s E-Newsletter Drive 4UR Community a success! Tuesday, July 14, 2015 The Drive 4UR Community fundraiser event, presented by Harlingen Sunburst Rotary Club and Boggus Ford Harlingen, was held Saturday, July 11, with approximately 170 drivers participating in support of La Posada. For every free test-drive completed, the

Help La Posada build a pavilion!

Help La Posada build a pavilion! La Posada Providencia’s E-Newsletter Help La Posada build a pavilion! Tuesday, June 30, 2015 Clients learn about Earth Day underneath La Posada’s carport. The new pavilion would hold such educational activities in the future. In less than two weeks, you will have the exciting opportunity to help La Posada