Sister Angie Keil, OSF, (left) and Shirley Shafranek, OSF, visited La Posada during March, 2020
Sisters Shirley Shafranek and Angie Keil, both Sisters of St. Francis of Tiffin, Ohio, arrived at La Posada March 2, 2020. Their intention was to spend two weeks living at La Posada and volunteering as Jills of All Trades: tutoring, grocery shopping for the shelter, baking banana bread and cookies in preparation for the Chalupa fundraiser (Mexican Bingo) held on March 15 to benefit the shelter. While in south Texas, they wanted to learn—firsthand—about the immigration situation. The Coronavirus “shelter in place” affecting La Posada cut their visit short. They returned to their respective places of ministry on March 11. However, their joy in serving could never equal our sincere gratitude for their help.
Here is Sister Angie’s report of her visit: During my stay at La Posada Providencia, I assisted in many activities such as teaching ESL, baking for a fundraiser, weeding the gardens, and helping with La Posada’s compost/recycling process.
My time at La Posada gave me a deeper appreciation for how refugees and Americans are all bound together as one human family. It was an eye-opening experience to hear of the great challenges refugees face to be here wanting to become a citizen of our country. I was humbled that they would want to be a part of us when we treat them so very inhumanely. It makes me more determined than ever to proclaim how important just immigration laws are needed and NOW.
In fulfilling its mission, La Posada helps immigrants understand by the structure of its daily life – working together, and learning English and practical life skills, how they can become good citizens of our United States of America. I think it is most important for La Posada to continue the rich legacy begun by the Sisters of Divine Providence of accepting the stranger among us with compassion. My wish is for all to learn from the wisdom of this legacy, which has earned La Posada respect over
the decades.
Thanks a million for a life-changing experience!