In June, La Posada Providencia welcomed volunteer Lisa Neuhauser from Hershey, Pennsylvania. Lisa attended Arizona State University and received a master’s degree in Social Justice and Human Rights. Lisa applies her knowledge and demonstrates her compassion for the migrant community by volunteering with Catholic Charities of Rio Grande Valley Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas. She also helped transport supplies to Matamoros, Mexico, with Team Brownsville.

During her time at La Posada, Lisa supported our Program department with housekeeping and administrative duties. Her eagerness to help and the t-shirt she proudly wore made a lasting impression. The t-shirt carried the message, “No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor” and is taken from a sign created in 2015 at Immanuel Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, VA, by co-pastor Matthew Bucher. The Mennonite Church states the popular sign comes from their deep-rooted faith expressed in the words “We choose to reach out to our neighbors and neighborhoods, welcome those who come from different backgrounds and places, and practice hospitality through the open doors of our communities.”
This statement resonates with La Posada’s ministry to welcome the stranger. It reminds us of the humbling privilege it is to witness God’s Providence working daily through La Posada.
Thank you, Lisa Neuhauser, for your dedication to social justice and human rights. Your presence and volunteerism ripple through the organizations that support migrants along the Texas – Mexico Border.
For more information about the story of the “Welcome Your Neighbors” sign, go to
Program Highlights
Clients assisted from July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 (Fiscal Year):
Clients assisted from July 1, 2021- July 23, 2021
The following eleven (11) Countries of Origin represented in July:
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
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