As La Posada Providencia was preparing to celebrate July 4th and all the excitement that comes with such an extraordinary holiday, three individuals, two men, and one woman, walked slowly and quietly up to La Posada. A skeleton crew of social work interns greeted them. They introduced themselves and began to ask questions about La Posada. It was a pleasant exchange of information. They listened and learned about La Posada and we listened and learned about them. The question of the hour finally came. What kind of donations can La Posada use? Eyes light up and there was no hesitation in providing a list of all the items our clients can use. One of the visitors took notes. The conversation continued and we invited them to view a video showing what La Posada does for so many people. They conveyed how impressed they were and left as quietly as they came.
Fast forward to July 10. Samaritan’s Purse pays another visit to La Posada. This time not to ask more questions but, instead, bearing gifts! Samaritan’s Purse delivered toiletry items such as deodorants, clothes, hand sanitizer, and body soaps. These generous donations enable clients to receive the necessary items that can help him or her with their daily routine.
We learned that Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian organization that brings physical relief and the Gospel to hurting people around the world. This organization certainly brought relief to our clients and to our staff who deliver client services daily. Samaritan’s Purse also donated a brand new stove and two window air conditioners for our
storage facilities.
Organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse are a true blessing for La Posada. It is through organizations such as these, and individuals with giving hearts, that make it possible for La Posada to continue to operate. We sincerely thank every donor, organization, and volunteer for all they do for our shelter and for helping to make Providence more visible in the world.

Samaritan’s Purse members who came bearing gifts. From left, Marshall Foster, Mark Langham, Isaiah Rendon, Annessa Johnston, Ben Hallock, Daniel Ortiz, Leah Nichilo
“I had to make a…life changing decision.”
– A Client’s Story
I am unable to be at peace knowing that I had to leave my family behind. They are in my thoughts day and night and I pray that the good Lord keeps them safe. I must persevere. I am here in the United States now. I came into this country seeking asylum because my own country would not take care of me.
I belong to an organization called Cuba Independiente y Democratica. We are an organization that fights for the rights of the Cuban people. We do humanitarian work and we try to educate the Cuban people about the injustices that occur daily in our country. We are the opposition.
The last time that the state police detained me, I was passing out brochures. This infuriated them and they marched me down to the police station. There they beat me, they hit me all over my body and they even broke my arm. They demanded an explanation as to why I was distributing such information. I stood my ground and that caused me to be detained for ten days. This is not the only time that my life has been threatened. It has occurred every time the state police finds me doing work for my political party. I have been detained and beaten several times.
I had to make a decision—a life-changing decision. The state police demanded that I leave Cuba. If I did not leave, I had two choices, life in prison or death. I left;
I left everything I have ever known and all the people I love and hold dear in my heart. This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I left my wife, my children, and my mother behind. I think about them every waking moment. I worry about my mother and her frail health. I was left with no choice. My own country did not want me.
My travels to the United States began on March 2, 2019. I traveled for a month and my trip was hard and exhausting. I crossed Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua and finally arrived in Mexico. Immigration picked me up and I stayed in detention for a total of eighty-eight days.
I had no idea what was going to happen to me. All I knew was that if I returned to Cuba I would certainly be meeting my death. While in detention, I had a sponsor that was willing to take me in and help me begin my life anew. However, I received the fatal news that my sponsor died in a work-related accident. I felt helpless; I had no one. What was going to happen to me? Was I going to remain in this detention center forever? My situation took another turn. I was informed that I would be released to a shelter. This shelter was La Posada Providencia.
Upon my arrival at La Posada, I felt free. The freedom I had not felt in a long time. They were willing to take me in and welcomed me warmly. My transition to being a client at La Posada began. They have helped me feel at ease, they are teaching me how to speak English, teaching me life skills that I will need as I resettle. They have provided me with shelter, hot meals to eat and clothing because I had none. La Posada has been wonderful to me. I pray that all the skills they are teaching me will lead me into a future of prosperity. Without them, I would have nothing and remain destitute. I will forever be grateful to La Posada

Fighting for democracy in his country, this Cuban asylum seeker came to realize that if he did not leave, he had two choices–life in prison or death.