La Posada constantly works toward building a sense of community. All are welcomed and introduced into what we often refer to as family, where we work together and serve others. Our communal environment does not only affect our clients, but also our staff.
La Posada recently welcomed back Grants Compliance Coordinator Alejandra Zepeda from her maternity leave. We were not only excited to welcome Ale back, but we also welcomed her little one, Santiago. Having a newborn in the office is not a usual occurrence in many offices, but La Posada is not like any other agency.
Ale explains that, “It is a great advantage to be able to bring my son to work. I am really blessed to have my boss let me bring him.” She shares that her first child went to day care when she returned to work with a different employer. Her child became ill frequently at the day care surrounded by other children. Blessed with a second child, Ale faced the high cost of having two children in daycare. Currently, there is a national conversation about unaffordable childcare and often families have to decide whether to work or to stay home and how to make ends meet.
Now, Ale and her family do not have to face deciding whether Santiago should go to childcare because La Posada invited the little one to the office. Equipped with a bassinet and all essential baby related gear, Ale can both work and spend time with her child. Ale shares that everyone has been welcoming including the clients and that “everyone wants to help with the baby.” A final thought Ale shares is, “I think it is wonderful to be able to keep developing my career and doing what I like while I’m taking care of my baby. Thank you La Posada, for giving me such an
amazing opportunity.”
This is not the first time La Posada welcomes a staff member and their newborn. When our Weekend Coordinator returned to work after giving birth, her little bundle of joy came as well. She explains that having this time strengthens the bond between them and she is grateful to her La Posada family because, “everyone steps in to help with the baby… we are a family here and you can feel the love.” Her little one has become a symbol of love and joy for our clients, staff and visitors. She describes her experience with gratitude and is thankful for her bosses to invite her child into the workplace and create a safe and comfortable environment not just for her, but also for all at La Posada.
This support comes naturally to all the staff at La Posada because serving and helping others is at the core of our ministry. We focus on the humanity of all, be it a stranger from another country, or a member of our La Posada family.

Grants Compliance Coordinator with her son Santiago.

Baby Emmanuel is the son of La Posada’s Weekend Coordinator.