As the world experiences a global pandemic, many organizations and businesses have changed the way that they conduct daily operations to increase safety. Here at La Posada Providencia, we have implemented a safe virtual volunteer program where a client is paired up with a volunteer via Zoom to have English as a Second Language (ESL) class.
Recently, La Posada has been privileged to work with Diane O’Neill, a volunteer in Chicago, Illinois. She practices English conversation with one of our clients each week. When asked what this volunteering opportunity means to her, Diane replied, “…as the granddaughter of Irish immigrants, it’s nice to welcome fellow immigrants and refugees, and ESL classes seem like a fun way to do that.”
Because of volunteers like her, our clients are able to learn and interact in fun and unique ways.
Thank you, Diane!
As to the client receiving the virtual lessons, he is over the moon excited about the experience and opportunity. It is a win-win for all involved.