Las Noticias de La Posada Providencia

Las Noticias de La Posada Providencia

November 25th will be the first Thanksgiving that many of our clients will be celebrating in the United States.  They have expressed in writing some of their many reasons to  give thanks .  .  . The following are just a few:

  • Thank you, God, for the gift of your Son, Jesus, the gift of faith, the beauty of the earth, the blessings of family, friends, food, and health.
  • Thank you, God, for bringing me safely to La Posada.
  • My father passed away when I was a teenager and I am thankful to my mother for taking care of the whole family by herself.
  • I am grateful to Sister Zita, Sister Therese, and staff for helping me in my many struggles; I had no place to go and no one to whom to turn when I was released from detention.

And we, as staff, count our many blessings and give thanks to God for all who support us at La Posada by their prayers; the volunteers by sharing their time and talent and others by sharing their treasure.

May God bless you … Happy Thanksgiving!