Clients Share Thanksgiving Messages

Clients Share Thanksgiving Messages

Thank You

On October 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed that the fourth Thursday in November would be a day of thanksgiving.

“We have forgotten the gracious hand that preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched us and strengthened us as a nation…” Lincoln said in his proclamation. “We have become too self-sufficient and too proud to pray to the God who made us”

In the word Thanksgiving, “thanks” is a reminder to give thanks first of all to God and the Psalms tells us why: It’s because God is not only good but His love is everlasting.

“Give Thanks to the Lord. For He is good and His love is everlasting.” ~ Psalm 107-1

As our La Posada family – 19 clients from 6 countries – celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the United States for the first time, they have not forgotten “The gracious hand that preserved them” during their perilous journey to the U.S.

Here are some of the Thanksgiving messages our clients shared with us:

  • “God was my chauffeur and guide as I made my way through many dangerous countries.” – La Posada client from Eritrea.
  • “I was kidnapped on the border of Mexico and Honduras and held for ransom. For 9 days, I feared I would be killed and finally they let me go. I thank God for my life.” – La Posada client from Cuba.
  • “La Posada gives me love and food and a bed.” – La Posada client from Cuba.
  • “I travelled thru 10 countries and I often thought I would die before I could make it to the United States-a land of freedom. I thank God for my life and freedom.” – La Posada client from Eritrea.
  • “My husband was a civil rights activist and imprisoned. My 2 children and I, two months pregnant, fled and travelled for 10 months to get to America. My third child was born in Colombia. We arrived at Immigration exhausted and without money and without family in the U.S. and were taken to La Posada. Thank God we are safe at La Posada.” – La Posada client from Eritrea.

Our clients, staff and I “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His love is everlasting.” God’s goodness and love are manifested by the many who support us through their generous sharing of their time, talents, and treasure.

Thank you and have a blessed and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

In God’s Providence,

Sister Zita Telkamp
Program Director, La Posada Providencia