Champagne Brunch to Benefit La Posada


Champagne Brunch to Benefit La Posada

La Posada Providencia invites you to a celebration of hope! Hand in Hand: A Reason for Hope, a champagne brunch and auction, will be held Saturday, January 29, 2011 at the Texas State Technical College Cultural Arts Center. Tickets are $25/person and may be obtained by contacting La Posada Providencia at 956-399-3826. All proceeds benefit

Las Noticias de La Posada Providencia

November 25th will be the first Thanksgiving that many of our clients will be celebrating in the United States.  They have expressed in writing some of their many reasons to  give thanks .  .  . The following are just a few: Thank you, God, for the gift of your Son, Jesus, the gift of faith,

Interfaith Statement on Immigration Reform

An interfaith statement on immigration reform was presented to a crowd of more than 400 people attending a conference hosted by Valley Interfaith on October 13. Among those participating were the spiritual leaders of many different faith traditions, including: Most Reverend Daniel Flores, Bishop, Diocese of Brownsville, the The Rt. Rev. David Reed, Bishop Suffragan,

Rev. Pederson Joins La Posada Providencia Board

La Posada Providencia recently approved the appointment of a new board member. Rev. Ryan Pederson is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Harlingen. He begins his service on the board this month. “I have experienced firsthand how challenging the immigration process can be,” Rev. Pederson said. “I want to be able to help others for

Making Way for Spring Planting

Last week Joseph – our part-time chef and gardener and his trustworthy assistant Jason – harvested some of their winter vegetables to make way for spring planting. Despite a few nights of frost, spinach, cabbage and carrots have thrived; however, lettuce was the clear winner! Heads of lettuce surpassed all of Joseph’s expectations and would

Grape Expectations Donor Wall of Fame

We thank the many, many generous friends who contributed to the success of La Posada Providencia’s fundraising event, Grape Expectations: A Drive for Hope, and the celebration of our 20th Anniversary. Please click on PDF below for a list.  

Meet the Teachers Night

Monday evening was Open House and Meet the Teachers Night at Veterans Memorial Junior High where our two eighteen year-old clients, Jeremias and Jairo, are enrolled in ESL classes. Sister Therese, their mentor here at La Posada, met their teachers and received glowing reports of their class participation  and conduct.  Jeremias, who only received  a second grade

Raise Money by Searching the Web

Support La Posada Providencia every time you search the Internet! will donate about a penny per search to La Posada Providencia. You use GoodSearch just as you would any search engine, and it’s powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. is an online shopping mall. It will donate up to 37% of