“You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; Have the same love for him as for yourself.”
~ Leviticus 19:34
Shelter is one of our most fundamental needs and one of our most fundamental rights. At La Posada Providencia, our clients find not just shelter; they find a safe haven, a place of acceptance, and nurturing. It is a place to prepare for the next step in their resettlement journey.
La Posada’s 24/7 emergency shelter provides for the immediate needs of clients ensuring their safety and providing them clean shelter, food, shower and laundry facilities, computer and internet access, clothes and personal supplies, and access to needed services for up to 24 people per day. In addition, our shelter program offers a stabilizing support system for immigrants and asylum seekers while considering their next resettlement step.
This support begins with individual case management that includes needs assessment, goal setting, and access to services to meet identified needs. Services can include local transportation to off-site agencies (health care, legal aid, and social services), access to on-site communication resources, paperwork/translation assistance, and assistance for travel to a resettlement location, English literacy classes, employment readiness, and life-skills education.
U.S. immigration officials, attorneys, or churches refer clients to us. All referrals possess documents specifying the client’s immigration status and the circumstances allowing them to remain lawfully in the U.S. Lengths-of-stays vary and are case-specific. Some clients stay with us for short stays (overnight or one to two days), while others can stay for several weeks or up to three months. Until clients are ready to move on to their next resettlement location, La Posada provides their sole means of support.
While clients stay with us, they live as a community, with assigned chores, shared meals, and meal preparation duties.
Our Main Shelter Buildings
- Casa Guillermo: a dormitory for men
- Casa Carolina: a dormitory for women and families
- Casa Belen: the commons building with staff offices, kitchen, and dining areas.
- Mobile classroom
- Separate mobile buildings that serve as laundry and storage rooms, respectively.
- A large garage building
- Storage building for fundraiser donations and supplies
- Screened pavilion for volunteer events and presentations for large visiting groups

Casa Carolina

Casa Belen

Mobile Classroom

