“The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy”
–Psalm 126: 3
As I reflect on this past Sunday’s Scripture from Psalms” “The Lord has done great things and we are filled with joy,” I recall the many people and events that broughtgreat JOY to all of us here at La Posada.
Maggi Dziubek from St. Teresa of Avila Parish in Chicago, Illinois arrived December 1 to volunteer. She is a “Jill of all Trades” – a tutor, entertainer of children, babysitter, and Christmas decorator.
La Posada Providencia’s Board of Directors recognized fellow Board Member and former La Posada Client Masa Karim Myers for becoming a citizen on November 7th.
Ann Finch from Westlake United Methodist Church in Austin, Texas planned and engaged fifteen adults from Austin to Brownsville to throw a fantastic Christmas Party for our clients. Saturday, December 8, starting at 10:00 a.m., our volunteer pavilion became a Christmas wonderland decorated with small nativity scenes from several countries. There were lights, wreaths, tables covered with Christmas cloths, centerpieces and placemats made by Girl Scouts in Austin. A Christmas Dinner was included – turkey and innumerable trimmings with desserts galore–all prepared by Sergio Cordova’s team in Brownsville who started arriving at 12:30 p.m.
Live music performed by the Texas Sweethearts was an after-dinner surprise. Music, a universal language, generated clapping hands, tapping shoes and dancing all within a matter of minutes.
By 3:00 p.m. Santa’s van arrived carrying Mr. and Mrs. Claus along with their elves, bringing bags of gifts for our children: each receiving a stocking filled with a coloring book, crayons, a ball, and a story book. Wrapped separately in a throw was a cap and a pair of gloves. The party finale was seeing who would break the piñata – it was Santa Claus himself!
Finally, I recall all those who have arrived at La Posada this past week: three families, 13 people from the Congo; the father and son from Guatemala, the two Cuban men from detention, and the six young men and women who aged out of detention. What JOY must be theirs!
Provident God, we thank you for all the people who have touched our lives here at La Posada by sharing their time, their talents, and their treasure in bringing us JOY. Please, JESUS, source of all JOY, bless them abundantly.

Maggie with Baby Emmanuel, son of La Posada client Shalom

Party organizer Ann Finch with some of the treats enjoyed by all those gathered.
Congratulations Masa Karim Myers!
On November 7, 2018, prior La Posada client Masa Karim Myers participated in a naturalization ceremony at the Brownsville Events Center. Karim, along with 265 other individuals officially became a United States citizen! Karim was the only individual from Ghana.
Karim arrived at La Posada in 2011 after fleeing political persecution in Ghana. He spoke only a few words in English. While at La Posada, he worked in the garden and focused on learning English. He continued to work hard to earn his G.E.D.
Karim is a humble man of few words, but he managed to convey his appreciation of La Posada by asking to serve on La Posada’s Board of Directors. Karim said, as a former client, “I want to give back by serving on the Board and providing input.” He is now serving his second three-year term on the Board and recently became a member of the Board’s “New Building” subcommittee. Karim’s employment experience in construction will no doubt add value to this committee and benefit La Posada.
We at La Posada are very proud of Karim’s accomplishments and his new citizenship!
Love Has No Borders
The “Love Knows No Borders” days of action began Dec. 10, International Human Rights Day, and ends Dec. 18, International Migrants’ Day. During this week, in communities across the U.S., faith leaders will be calling to action an end to border militarization and seeking humane immigration policies that respect the rights and dignity of all people.
At La Posada it is our mission and ministry to help people in crisis from around the world who seek legal refuge in this country. We do so by providing a safe and welcoming home, we mentor to promote self-sufficiency and cultural integration and we seek to impart values which witness God’s Providence in our world.
This month marks our 29–year anniversary in this ministry. During this span of time we have provided humanitarian support to more than 10,000 people – mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents and children.
Ours is a ministry rooted in love, compassion and justice for all human-kind. It is not a ministry engaged in the politics.
During this period of focus on international human rights we invite you to learn about the activities of “Love Knows No Borders,” discern over the highlighted issues and learn about immigration facts.
For Fact Sheets on Immigration, please see:
Save the Date for Hands & Hearts
Our ninth annual Hands & Hearts Brunch is Saturday, February 2, 2019. Don’t wait to purchase your tickets. Rally your friends together and get your table reserved.. Tickets are available online at: https://lppshelter.org/purchase-tickets-here/ or by calling Colleen Price
at 956-399-3826 ext. 206.
Sponsorships are also available for purchase. Be among the first to get your online shout out in support of La Posada. To purchase a sponsorship go to https://lppshelter.org/sponsorship/ or by calling Colleen Price
at 956-399-3826 ext. 206.
Please set your calendar for Saturday, February 2, 2018 for a morning of fun and entertainment while also supporting a good cause.