It’s Springtime and who doesn’t start thinking about the sun, sand, and beach balls – La Posada Volunteers, that’s who! They come from Boston and Austin, Minneapolis and Indianapolis, and all points in between. They come to plant trees, paint walls, move furniture, clean out storage space, and any number of other “fun and exciting” experiences. What they do doesn’t seem as important to them as Why they do it is so important to all of us. These are students and Seniors who graciously and generously give us what all of us say we have too little of these days….TIME. They spend that time with our staff and guests both teaching and learning, praying and playing, giving and receiving, building relationships and creating memories that change lives…and countries…and yes, maybe even our world. They leave both tired and transformed. A retiree from Chicago said she had put this kind of service off for way too long…and then wondered if her life would have been different if she had met La Posada sooner. It has been our experience that God always sends us the people we need just when we need them—and she was comforted to learn that she met La Posada just when there seemed to be a mutual need.
Sister Jean
Program Highlights
Clients assisted from July 1, 2021 – March 5, 2022 (Fiscal Year): Clients assisted from March 1, 2022- March 5, 2022 The following Twelve (12) Countries of Origin represented in February Cuba |