Sister Nora Ruiz arrived at La Posada in mid-September to begin her three-month apostolic mission experience. She was excited to live out her Congregation’s charism, mission, and the vows of religious life. During her last days at the shelter, Sister Nora wrote about her experience at La Posada.
The immigrants here have taught me what true humbleness is. The journey that they have taken is something many of us could not envision. The dangers they face in their own country and to have to leave their families, their home, everything they know is something I just can’t imagine. The journey to come here is even more unimaginable. The stories that they share make me so grateful I live in the United States. Stories such as a family being drugged along the journey. Fortunately, we’re able to escape but feared for those who were not so lucky. A mother who was exhausted from lack of sleep, because she had to guard her infant child in fear that her child would be taken and sold. Stories of young teens being left behind by a group of fellow immigrants and having to sleep alone in the desert. These are the stories that were spoken, but there were many that were left untold. Yet with all, they have been through they are so humbled and grateful for the things we are able to share with them. We provide them with clean clothes, food, legal resources, a bed to sleep, a place to bathe, English lessons, and people who care for their wellbeing. This experience has truly humbled me. I am beginning to understand the compassion and love Jesus had for the poor, and for those who are denied respect for their human dignity. Many have asked me how my experience at La Posada has been. I can put it in two words, phenomenal and humbling.
Sister Nora’s presence will be missed by many. She played an integral role in supporting various areas of the shelter and was wonderful with planning fun activities. We are thankful for every way she supported La Posada and wish her the best as she continues on her novitiate formation.
Program Highlights
Clients assisted from July 1, 2021 – December 25, 2021 (Fiscal Year):
Clients assisted from December 19, 2021- December 25, 2021
The following eleven (11) Countries of Origin represented in December
Dominican Republic
El Salvador