School Sister of Notre Dame Josephe Marie Flynn, author of the book “Rescuing Regina,” gives her presentation on immigration Thursday, Aug. 28, at the Harlingen Cultural Arts Center.
(HARLINGEN, Texas) School Sister of Notre Dame Josephe Marie Flynn, author of the book Rescuing Regina, offered her presentation on the immigration and the asylum process during an event Thursday, Aug. 28, at the Harlingen Cultural Arts Center. The presentation, sponsored by La Posada Providencia, detailed her battle to save a friend from deportation and death.
Attendees also heard from attorney Nicole Gambel of the South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR) and from Texas State Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.
“Both presentations were very insightful on the asylum process and the immigration system,” said La Posada’s Development Coordinator Alma Gonzalez. “Nicole shared her experiences working as an immigration attorney and talked about the recent influx of women and children experienced in the Rio Grande Valley. Sister Josephe shared her personal experience with the immigration system through Regina’s story and gave us a lesson on the immigration system. It was a fantastic event.”
(Video and more details from the event coming soon)
Rescuing Regina also served as the official public start of La Posada’s “Champions for a New Beginning” challenge.
A Champion is an individual who supports the mission and purpose of La Posada by pledging to raise $1,000 for the shelter’s work to meet the needs of the hundreds of homeless immigrants it serves. Champions will have until October 11, 2014, to meet their fundraising goal.
La Posada’s goal is to recruit between 20 and 25 Champions, raising a total of $20,000 – $25,000. All funds raised will be used to support La Posada’s efforts of giving clients a New Beginning, which includes providing food, clothing, care and specialized case management designed for recent immigrants.
There are only 38 days left for the challenge. To donate, or become a champion, visit: lppshelter.org/champions.
Those who attain their goal will be honored at the Champions Gala, an exclusive evening event hosted by Senator Lucio. The event will take place Saturday, October 18, at the Lucio residence in Los Fresnos, Texas.
You can help support La Posada by saying “yes” to a monetary request from a person seeking to become a Champion, by becoming a Champion yourself, or making a monetary donation through our website.
La Posada would like to give a very special thanks to Sister Josephe Marie Flynn, SSND and Nicole Gamble, ProBAR attorney for their wonderful presentations. We would also like to thank Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. for his participation and involvement with Champions for a New Beginning.
Lastly, we want to thank all of our volunteers, staff, board members, and guests for making this event possible!