Ten college students participated in Project Transformation, a ministry of the
Rio Texas Conference United Methodist Church. Though the group left from
San Antonio, the volunteers were from various parts of Texas as well as other southern states.
The young men and women volunteered the morning of July 13 at La Posada Providencia. They were all hard workers and they all improved the grounds of La Posada. Some pulled weeds while others mowed the yard. Others were able to plant fruit trees thanks to the instruction of Sister Margaret Mertens. After their hard work, they all enjoyed an outdoor lunch with the clients.
A few other people visited La Posada that morning and also helped out. They were
La Posada friend Cindy Johnson; mother and daughter Lupita and Katie Ecoff
of San Antonio; and Dr. Selma Yznaga of University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
at Brownsville.

Project Transformation volunteers with (front row, left to right) La Posada Executive Director Andi Atkinson, Site Coordinator Sister Margaret Mertens, CDP,and La Posada friend Cindy Johnson.