This past week at La Posada, we welcomed Casa de Paz SLV, a non-profit organization based out of Crestone, Colorado, dedicated to providing holistic trauma support for asylum seekers and migrants. They also have a local team in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) that coordinates programs via their RGV Board co-chair, a University of Texas - RGV professor, specializing in working with marginalized communities. For La Posada’s visit, two team members traveled to La Posada from Colorado. Joining them was an art therapist from New York City and a narrative play therapist from Chicago.
The event opened with trauma-informed yoga, art, and storytelling—the activities, centered around relaxation and restoration. The healing yoga was an ultimate favorite for even our shelter dog, Brownie, who joined in. Having this time to decompress and unwind was a welcome treat for all.
Thank you to Casa de Paz, SLV, for thinking about La Posada, our guests, and helping restore our overall well-being.

Tribute Cards Available to Honor or Remember a Significant Person in your Life
Did you know you can donate to La Posada Providencia and honor a friend or loved one at the same time? You can through our Tribute and Memorial Gifts program. If you donate in honor or memory of someone, we will send a beautiful notification card at your request. In addition, the honoree will be recognized in our annual report. Tribute gifts are great for birthdays, holidays, or the man or woman who “has everything.” Plus, your gift will be put to good use to assist with the needs of our clients.
To make a memorial or tribute gift, let us know the name of the person you wish to honor and the name and address to send the greeting card. If you’d like a few cards for future use, please contact Colleen Price at cprice@lppshelter.org
Program Highlights
Clients assisted from July 1, 2020 – April 30, 2021 (Fiscal Year):
Clients assisted from April 1, 2021- April 30, 2021
The following eleven (11) Countries of Origin represented in April:
El Salvador
Sri Lanka
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