Dominga is a woman from Guatemala who came to the United States approximately a year and a half ago in search of the “American Dream.” She traveled from Guatemala with her 15-year-old son and reunited with family living in Georgia. She left behind two adult children, and her 11-year-old daughter, whom she left in the care of her
aging mother.
For Dominga, life in the U.S has not been as easy as she envisioned. She talks about working in the “Campos,” or fields, picking tomatoes where she made approximately twenty dollars per day. She said the days were long and the weight of the baskets became more difficult for her to carry. Pregnant, Dominga is in her third trimester. Hence, carrying baskets full of tomatoes became increasingly difficult as her
pregnancy progressed.
Dominga states that she left her home country due to her deplorable living conditions. Her home flooded each time it rained; she needed a new roof. She felt she had to do something to better her life and thought the U.S. would bring her wealth and prosperity. She quickly learned, however, without proper papers, making a living is difficult for immigrants. Dominga stated “the rent and the cost to live is too high in the U.S., and with little pay and the hard work I can’t live here. I won’t make it.”
Dominga did manage to save a little money and sent it to Guatemala for repairs to her roof. She states she now has new aluminum on her roof that will keep her family dry during the rainy season.
By her own volition, Dominga was heading back to her country of origin when the bus she was traveling in stopped in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She states that when she could not pay the demands of Mexican officials, she was sent back to the U.S. where she was processed and sent to a detention center and later released. She has been a client of La Posada for almost a week. With the help of La Posada staff, she will return to Guatemala very soon.
We wish Dominga and her family much luck and blessings as she heads back to her country. The quote below comes to mind as we wish her farewell.
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you: He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid: Do not be discouraged. -Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV
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Hands & Hearts is ONLY THREE WEEKS from Saturday!! There is still time to become a sponsor or purchase an ad to advertise your business, or donate an auction item, but you need to hurry. Also, get your tickets to this annual fundraiser–last year was nearly a sellout! Enjoy brunch, bid on silent and live auction items, visit with your friends, all for a great cause. Call Alejandra Zepeda at 956-399-3826 to get your tickets, or make a donation. We’ll see you there.