We are seeing unprecedented numbers of immigrants fleeing persecution from their native countries hoping to enter the U.S. There are more than 600 asylum seekers desperately waiting in Matamoros, Mexico. Because many fled literally for their lives, they have basic needs such as clothing, food, and clean water. Most of the families are confused and uncertain about what the future holds for them. Under the U.S. Government Migrant Protection Policy, asylum-seekers must wait months in Matamoros until the date for their court hearing. Regardless of their asylum outcome, La Posada Providencia and volunteers including Angry Tias & Abuelas (a collective group of women helping asylum seekers in the lower Rio Grande Valley) have joined efforts to provide humanitarian relief to our brothers and sisters in need at the Border. We have assembled over 200 bags containing warm tacos, salsa, and snacks. We pray this small effort will bring some comfort to the people living and waiting in Matamoros.

Sister Julie Crane, SP, Sister of Providence of Holyoke MA. and Juanita Stringfield, Angry Tias and Abuelas, load supplies to be taken and distributed to the asylum seekers in Matamoros.