My father died in 2015 leaving my mother, my siblings and myself alone and destitute. We have struggled ever since. The violence in my country of Guatemala, has only gotten worse. The day arrived where I had to make a life changing choice for me and my family. I made the decision to leave Guatemala and begin my journey to America. I was going to leave not for my benefit, but out of pure necessity for the mere survival of myself and my family. This by far has been the hardest decision I have ever made. I’m leaving my mother behind along with my siblings. What will become of them while I make my trek to a whole new country? It weighs heavily on my mind, but I must go.
I began a very long journey. I was scared and all alone, not even 18 years old. I traveled for what seemed never ending, but I arrived safely at my first destination. I then decided to take a train and I arrived at the border town of Nogales, Mexico. I stayed in this town for forty-five days. I was able to exchange my quetzals (Guatemala currency) into pesos. I survived by being frugal with my money and eating only two times a day. I decided to begin walking from that border town. I walked for four days, and arrived at a town known as Sonoita.
I was in America! I had made it. Immigration officials processed my paperwork and transported me to Casa Padre, in Texas. I spent eleven months at this detention center. I was treated with respect, kindness, and given all the basic necessities to survive. I even was allowed to stay in communication with my family in Guatemala. I can say, although I had an arduous trip, it was well worth it.
I finally turned 18 and time to leave Casa Padre. I arrived at La Posada Providencia. I was greeted with such love and compassion. I felt safe and confident that they would help me get to my final destination. I will resettle in Los Angeles with family members who have happily agreed to take me in. Thank you La Posada for showing me that the world is a better place.
Client Census
9 Guests representing 6 countries
2 Women – 3 Children – 4 Men
Sri Lanka