Former La Posada Guest Becomes a CNA

Former La Posada Guest Becomes a CNA

La Posada Providencia continuously strives to meet the needs of poor immigrants, asylees, and asylum seekers. The staff works to promote clients’ successful integration into United States society. Upon departure from the shelter, we encourage our guests to keep in touch. When they do reach out to us, it is both gratifying and inspiring to hear about their resettlement. Recently, we heard from Clement, a 40-year-old asylee of Cameroon, a country in Africa.  

Like many La Posada guests, Clement’s migration journey was necessary for his survival. Due to political persecution, he feared for his life. After arriving in the United States, Clement waited for his asylum case hearing in adult detention for nearly six months. Having no family or support system in the United States, Clement wrote a letter to La Posada asking for sponsorship upon his release, and after being granted asylum. Clement arrived at La Posada in 2017.

La Posada was home to Clement for nearly two months. In a recent phone call, he reminisced about all the gifts of hospitality and knowledge he received while staying with us. He spoke highly of the staff and the friendly relationships he developed. He most appreciated attending English class, learning American History and attending Mass on Sundays. Although receiving all his paperwork (i.e., I-94 and work permit), the effort was a struggle.  He said the Case Manager at the time was persistent and hard working.

Clement’s resettlement was unique. With the support of a visiting group from Ohio, Clement relocated and started working at a local Home Depot. He studied and successfully became a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA). Currently, he is pursuing a certification in Database Administration. We are very happy to hear of Clement’s successful integration into U.S. society and the accomplishments he has achieved.

All of us at La Posada admire his resilience and determination to succeed. We continue to wish Clement the best of luck and a successful future. 

Program Highlights

Clients assisted from July 1, 2021 – Sept 18, 2021 (Fiscal Year):

Clients assisted from September 12 , 2021- Sept 18, 2021 

The following eleven (11) Countries of Origin represented in September
El Salvador