We at La Posada Providencia continually find ourselves inspired by the courage of immigrants who escaped danger and risked everything they hold dear in hopes of building a better and safer future for themselves and their loved ones. Pedro and his son fled government oppression that would have surely resulted in his death and that of his son. Such oppression nearly succeeded after Pedro was severely beaten. After surviving the beating, Pedro’s choice to flee with his son was natural. The trail that Pedro and his son traveled to reach the United States is worth sharing.
The two left Angola and made it to Cuba. They walked through Central America and much of Mexico before finally reaching the United States. However, their suffering was not over. U.S. immigration authorities separated Pedro and his son, Joao M. for 15 months in detention facilities. Recently, they reunited at La Posada. What a victory for human dignity!
Pedro is a man driven by his dreams. He likes teamwork and helps with daily tasks at our shelter. His constant desire to learn and get ahead in life has led him to speak five languages. Currently, he is attending daily English classes at La Posada with Client Mentor Sister Thérèse Cunningham. We have no doubt that his desire to learn and improve will continue and Pedro will realize his dreams.
For the past 30 years, La Posada has borne witness to the suffering of its clients and rejoices with them in their victories. With God’s Providence, we will continue to welcome the stranger and minister to their needs.
La Chalupa: A Big Success!
This past Sunday afternoon La Posada hosted La Chalupa, a Mexican bingo. It was a fun-filled occasion with prizes and merriment. More than 130 guest participated in the event. The Chalupa provided a great way for the community to gather for fun and, at the same time, benefit the clients served at La Posada Providencia who have suffered unimaginable life-threatening circumstances in their homelands. La Posada is committed to supporting our immigrant families by providing services designed to assist them and their loved ones find a productive resettlement. A sincere thank you to our sponsor 30 Friends of La Posada, Antoinette Connaughton, participants, and volunteers. It is with their kindness and gifts of time, talent and treasure that
La Chalupa has been able to continue and be successful

Olivia Yepez and her sons Omar and Orlando Yepez with a prize they won. Olivia also happens to be the daughter of master event organizer and Board Member, Paula Olivarez