Easter Egg Hunt
An Easter Egg Hunt is a fun tradition at La Posada. The pictures say it all.
Visiting Sisters from Korea
We are privileged to welcome two Sisters of Divine Providence from Korea. Sister Thomas Sun Yang Jung and Sister Paul Eunlye Kwon. They arrived at La Posada having traveled from St. Joseph Province in Korea on April 11. They are volunteering at La Posada until they return to Korea on June 1.
While they minister at La Posada, the Sisters will be caring for and teaching the little ones, engaging in gardening and participating in community life with the Sisters residing at La Posada (Sisters Margaret, Thérèse and Zita).
They enjoyed helping decorate for Easter and caring for baby Emmanuel. We feel so blessed and honored that La Posada was chosen by the Sisters as part of their religious formation program experience.

Pictured from left are Sister Thomas and Sister Paul. They stand by of the beautiful visual presentation they designed for Easter.
Farewell, Marlene
Marlene is a treasured seasonal volunteer for La Posada. She is an Associate of the Sisters of Divine Providence from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her connection with the Sisters is how she learned about La Posada. A retired teacher, she made her first visit to La Posada about nine years ago. For the past five of those years, she has driven her motor home from Pennsylvania for an extended stay.
Since October of last year she has mostly been assisting Sister Thérèse in the classroom, but was also involved in every one of La Posada’s activities, including helping with three fundraisers. Every day she had a full-time schedule assisting the Sisters in everything that was needed. She was so involved with La Posada activities, that some of the clients referred to her as “Sister Marlene.”
Safe travels Marlene. We look forward to your time with us next year.
Bless you for your selfless sharing of your time, talent and treasure with us!

Pictures from Marlene’s going away party. She will be missed!