Braving the week’s cold and rainy days, Virginians Charlotte and Melissa spent their mission trip with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) in the frontlines of the construction site, establishing themselves as vital members of the crew. From sunrise to sunset, Charlotte and Melissa assisted in the dusty and muddy conditions during the dirt work phase of the project, helping prepare the land for the cementing stage.
Excited to be included in the project, their duties ranged from shoveling to securing sections with a nail and hammer, actively working together during the process to get through the tasks swiftly and overcome any inconveniences as seamlessly as possible. Despite never having been a part of a construction project of this sort, their initiative and ability to work as a team helped keep the project efficiently moving forward.
The girls, as well as the rest of the group joining them, encapsulated the essence of the determined and hardworking nature of everyone involved in this project, bringing us one, or many, steps closer to changing lives.
Written by Ema Schwarcz & Marianna Salcedo