La Posada Providencia announces the arrival of its newest family member
Emmanuel Alex.
Emmanuel is the son of La Posada client Shalom. He was born Wednesday, Sept. 19 at 3:38 p.m., weighing nearly seven pounds and measuring almost 20 inches. La Posada volunteer Cindy Johnson stayed with Shalom at the hospital and was there to witness the delivery of Emmanuel.
Shalom named her son Emmanuel because it means “God is with us.” She gave him the middle name of Alex in honor of her pro bono attorney who will help her win asylum.
Welcome home, Baby Emmanuel!

At five days old, Emmanuel Alex enjoys eating and sleeping and wearing anything with an animal print.
Sister Act – This Weekend
Don’t miss the best Sister Act in town. You’ll find some great bargains, and you’ll help raise money for La Posada Providencia!