There was a certain air of expectancy in the air because at some level life-changing speaker was going to move us beyond the three R’s of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle…and did she ever! From the first slide where she connected our Choices directly to our Children, she had our attention, to the last slide where she pointed out ways our new facility could be greenest, where she had our commitment. Sister Sharon Horace, D.C., spoke to the La Posada staff after a tour of our facility with Sr. Therese, our local “Queen of Green”. Sr. Sharon focused on three areas where she thought we might have the greatest impact on our planet and our economy: Land, Energy, and Transportation. She made concrete suggestions for reducing our carbon footprint with the caveat that “perfect” can be the enemy of “good”, for example, it may be a while before we have electric vehicles for transportation, but can we think of “bundling” our trips? What about encouraging our benefactors to plant native trees for their children or grandchildren on our property? She suggested now might be the perfect time to work with the plumbers to install utilization of “greywater” in our new facility. She knew exactly how much rainwater our area receives, how susceptible to floods we are in our location and what plants would give back to the land in the greatest abundance. We are grateful to Sr. Sharon for helping us see our role in protecting what God created for all future generations to enjoy.
Sister Jean
Program Highlights
Clients assisted from July 1, 2021 – March 26, 2022 (Fiscal Year):
Clients assisted from March 20, 2022- March 26, 2022
The following fourteen (14) Countries of Origin represented in March
Dominican Republic
El Salvador