This past weekend La Posada hosted a meal for a number of volunteer attorneys from around the nation. These attorneys came to town to lend a hand to the South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR), a national effort to provide pro bono legal services to immigrants and asylum seekers detained in South Texas by the United States government. The ProBAR office in Harlingen serves thousands of unaccompanied minors detained in 14 local shelters with over 4,000 beds. These children hail mostly from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico and travel to the United States on their own. The visiting lawyers were helping the local ProBAR attorneys with serving these vulnerable children.
While in town, the visitors took time to visit with La Posada staff and clients – young and not so young, and were impressed by the atmosphere of welcome and acceptance
at La Posada.
Thank you, ProBAR, for your hard work, dedication and commitment to seeking justice for asylum seekers.

ABA Commission on Immigration Attorney Jennie Kneedler with baby Emmanuel

Meredith Linsky, Director of ABA Commission on Immigration (left)
visits with Sister Margaret Mertens

Guests share a meal and fellowship with La Posada staff, clients and volunteers
Totes for Clients
A big SHOUT OUT to Charlie Clark Nissan!
On January 4, 2019, Shirley Bralley, Community Outreach Director from Charlie Clark Nissan, visited us with a donation of 200 totes.
These totes are being put to good use and will serve as carriers for what we call “Survival Kits” for clients. Upon leaving La Posada, clients often embark on a long journey via Greyhound Bus to their resettlement location. They can spend long hours traveling to various parts of the United States. The survival kits we provide clients upon their departure can include bottled water, toiletry essentials, a snack bar and a small throw blanket. We do this to make their final migration journey a bit easier.
The survival kits are especially meaningful for mothers traveling with their children.

This young man stayed with us for a couple of days. He fled from gang persecution in Central America to the U.S. and is traveling to New York to meet with friends who will help him find a job. He intends to help support his parents and siblings. At 18, he is the oldest boy in his family.

This family has resided at La Posada for approximately four months. They fled to the U.S. from Africa due to political persecution. They are now ready to begin their new lives.
Get Your Tickets Now for Hands & Hearts
Our ninth annual Hands & Hearts Brunch is Saturday, February 2, 2019. Don’t wait to purchase your tickets. Rally your friends together and get your table reserved.. Tickets are available online at: or by calling Colleen Price at 956-399-3826 ext. 206.
Sponsorships are also available for purchase. To purchase a sponsorship go to or by calling Colleen Price
at 956-399-3826 ext. 206.
Please set your calendar for Saturday, February 2, 2019 for a morning of fun and entertainment while also supporting a good cause.